Absolute Last Chance…
Get your California license to massage with just 100 hours of training.
Healing Hands School of Holistic Health has a great reputation for producing the best Massage Therapists and Holistic Health Practitioners in the massage community. We can’t keep up with the employers seeking graduates from our programs.
Starting January 1st 2012 the California Association of Massage Therapy Council will no longer be issuing 100 hour Conditional Massage Practitioners Licenses. This is your last chance to take advantage of this opportunity and begin working after your first 100 hours of training.
Massage Technician Training will teach you the basics of a circulatory massage modality aka Swedish Massage. At Healing Hands we emphasize proper technique and body mechanics, assuring you will sustain a long and successful career in health and wellness. You will begin to learn your bones, superficial muscles, draping technics and over 1.5 hours of circulatory oil massage technique.
The cost of the class is $990 or ($900 if paid in full). You can break the class tuition up into 3 payments and you only need $50 to save your place in the class. Don’t wait! This is the last chance for this valuable opportunity.
We have two campuses, one in Escondido and the other in Laguna Hills.
Starts: November 2cd
Ends: December 28th
Meets: Wednesdays & Fridays 8-2pm
Laguna Hills:
Starts: October 25th
Ends: December 22cd
Meets: Tuesdays & Thursdays 8-2pm
To get registered, or for question give us a call (760)746-9364, shoot us an e-mail contactus@healinghandschool.com or stop in either office Tuesdays at 5:30 for an informal orientation and class viewing. You can also view our schedule and learn more about the school online at http://www.healinghandsschool.com
For details regarding licensing please visit the California Association of Massage Therapy Council at
In order to maintain your Conditional Certification as a Massage Practitioner (CCMP), you are required to provide evidence of a minimum of 30 hours of continuing massage education each year, until your total massage education totals 250 hours. Once you have completed a minimum of 250 hours of massage education, you must apply for an upgrade to CMP. You may apply for an upgrade at the time you reach 250 hours or at the time of your next renewal.