home of the free
because of the brave
Have you hugged a Veteran today ?
Americans have always answered their country’s call to duty and fought no matter what the cause or reason for the war. We are proud of those men and women who have played an important part in defending our freedoms throughout our history. The events of these wars and the people who fought and died for this country are valued by all Americans as links to our common heritage and our growth as a nation. Remember that the men and women of the United States Military have freely chosen to protect us and give us this gift. It is a gift that can never be reciprocated in full, and only asks for remembrance in return.
Many American Soldiers will not come home from their stations of turmoil and danger around the world to be with their families and friends for the holidays.
The American Soldier will stand steadfast and strong, continuing to protect us and fight for freedom in places around the world with conditions that we cannot even begin to imagine. May God Bless them and their families, and may He hold them safe in His arms until they come home again.
The opportunity to receive education benefits is one of the most deserved and rewarding ways we can show appreciation for our veterans. Healing Hands School of Holistic Health is honored to take part in the Post 911, chapter 33 GI benefits.
We truly believe that the skills you learn will allow you to smoothly transition into a rewarding and lucrative career. More importantly, the self-exploration and inevitable healing journey you begin, will bring lifelong benefits to your mind, body and soul.
The education benefits you have earned as a veteran will cover your entire tuition, all supplies needs as well as a generous monthly living stipend and an additional book stipend paid to you directly.
If you joined the military it is because you have a passion for people and a desire beyond yourself to make a difference in the world and the lives of the ones you love. Massage therapy is one of the few professions that allow you to truly make a difference in your own life and the lives of others every day. By enrolling in Healing Hands School of Holistic Health, you can be part of this exciting allied health career; providing massage to help others overcome chronic pain, recover from injuries and illness, reduce stress, and participate in proactive healthcare and wellness.
In our difficult economic time, the field of massage and holistic health is one of the few rapidly growing fields. You can work in a variety of arenas from hospitals, spas, chiropractic offices, to acupuncture clinic or on base working directly with the wounded warriors program. Alternatively, with the network of connections you already have through the military you can quickly build a large private client base allowing you to work flexible hours, making your own schedule and working with people you already know and love.
If you have ever been interested in massage, sports injuries, herbs, eastern medicine or any type of alternative health and wellness practice, you will not regret investigation our programs. Visit us online at http://www.healinghandsschool.com or friend us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/home.php?#!/healinghandsschool?sk=info
Better yet give us a call 760-746-9364.
We thank you for your service to our county.